Browse Items (337 total)

This item is the cover of the 1890 Players' National League Baseball Guide. There is an image of the League's Logo in the top, left-hand corner. It…

This article from the Hingham Journal details a visit from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to Frances Cooke Macgregor. The article states that Roosevelt…

In this letter Charles Francis Adams enthusiastically accepts the invitation to attend the Reunion of the Free Soil Party. He discusses the fact that…

In this letter Charles Francis Adams responds to a request from Samuel Downer to speak at the Free Soil Party Reunion. Adams expresses reluctance to…

In this letter from Charles Francis Adams to Samuel Downer, Adams expresses his anxiety on being asked to speak at the reunion, fearing that he has so…

In this letter Charles Francis Adams discusses and unknown person who has talked about his speech at the reunion of the Free Soil Party. He states…

In this letter Joseph W. Alden laments the fact that so many of the Free Soilers have passed away. He reminisces about the days in which the Free…

In this short note John B. Alley enthusiastically accepts the invitation to attend the Reunion of the Free Soil Party. Samuel Downer has written the…

In this two-page letter Julia R. Anagnos requests that Samuel Downer send an invitation to the reunion of the Free Soil Party to John S. Dwight, the…

In this letter, written on Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind letterhead, Michael Anagnos enthusiastically accepts his…

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