Hingham Journal Article, "Freedom Group Steps Up Local Equality Programs"
This item is a newspaper clipping taken from the Hingham Journal in 1968. It discusses a meeting of the Hingham Freedom Movement in which President Kenneth Janey stepped down from the chapter's presidency and long-term projects were discussed.
The group formed a committee to work with the local school department to more accurately and fully teach black history to students. The current textbooks and curricula were considered outdated and inaccurate. The principal of the South and North Schools stated that although this might be true, the hiring policy in the Hingham Public Schools was very liberal.
The group also discussed the possibility of establishing professional development seminars for teachers in order to help them better teach their students, working with the school committee to help find summer jobs for black teenagers, and supporting current civil rights laws. Finally, they decided to publicize an upcoming conference focusing on race relations.
Hingham Journal, 1968.